Profile Better

Fuel and optimize your demand funnel with the best B2B buyer profiles for TAM-to-opportunity prioritization.

Forrester Wave 2023

The Forrester Wave™: B2B Customer Data Platforms, Q4 2023

Forrester Wave Strong Performer 2023

The goal?

Deliver effective campaigns targeted at the best opportunities within our Total Addressable Market (TAM) – at the lowest cost.

Create complete, accurate, dynamic and unified buyer profiles of people, accounts and buying centers to prioritize and target opportunities so you deliver the right message to the right people at the right time.

Deliver effective campaigns targeted at the best opportunities within our TAM

2024 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Customer Data Platforms

2024 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Customer Data Platforms

B2B and ABM Support Use Case
Leadspace ranked 3rd 

We leverage over 30 integrated data sources to power our predictive opportunity scoring and deliver insights that enable account-based marketing teams to target buyers most likely to convert and prioritize those most likely to close.

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Sales & marketing teams need a lot of data to understand their buyers.

Revenue Signals graph

Legacy approaches are riddled with obstacles…

  • Siloed data.
  • Discrepancy among data sources.
  • Manually deduping and updating.
  • Data blending and account matching is cumbersome and error-prone.
  • Sales & Marketing operate from different data.
  • Inability to support all opportunities within an account at scale.
  • Operational skills and training across vendors/sources.
  • Intent & technographic signals are not integrated into
    CRM systems.
Legacy approaches

In comes Leadspace Revenue Profiling.
Your single source of truth for B2B buyer data.

  • Unrivaled 3rd-party account & person data, from over 30 sources.
  • Unification of first- and third-party data.
  • Full account profiles including hierarchies, firmographics, advanced technographics, weekly intent, and mobile contacts.
  • Direct integrations into CRM, MA, and other platforms.
  • Understand account hierarchies and buying signals to match leads to accounts.
  • Enrich, route and score leads in minutes.
  • Integrate your favorite data source into profiles, and serve up through the Leadspace platform.

The Forrester Wave™: Marketing And Sales Data Providers For B2B, Q1 2024

Forrester Wave Strong Performer 2024
Marketing and Sales Data Providers for B2B Q1 2024

“Leadspace is uniquely positioned as a CDP provider built to win a bake-off.” 

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15 Categories. 188 sub-categories. 8100+ topics.

  • 30 most popular Leadspace Intent models preconfigured in Studio and for enrichment.
  • Custom Intent models offered.
  • Max Intent scoring included.
  • Metro Intent indexed and published.
  • Leverage multiple Intent data sources.

Tech Install. Web Install.

90+ Categories. 18,000+ Technologies.

  • 25 tech install topics free for up to 1M profiles/year.
  • Additional tech install and profiles available.
  • Web tech, SaaS, installed software and installed hardware technologies.
  • Technology insights are part of TAM/territory configuration and scoring models that blend first- and third-party data.
Tech Install. Web Install.

Our customers have seen…

Profile UI
  • 75% annual cost savings
  • 2x lead-to-account matching
  • Better quality ABM target accounts

Use Cases & Capabilities

Advanced Profiling for ABM

Use Cases

  • High-spend retargeting campaigns
  • Early funnel Scoring Prioritization
  • High-touch proactive nurturing
  • Lookalike messaging
  • Vertical- and/or persona-based

Key Capabilities

  • Identification of buying propensity
  • In-market company or product interest
  • Persona-scoring for specialist reps
  • Efficient account & contact targeting

Advanced Profiling for Account and Lead Scoring

Use Cases

  • ABM account selection and prioritization
  • Lead scoring & conversion
  • Lifetime value identification
  • Cross-sell/upsell
  • Retention

Key Capabilities

  • Powered by CDP data & activation
  • Actionable model insights
  • Adaptive model refresh
  • Segment normalization

Advanced Profiling for Product or Account Intent

Use Cases

  • Monitor your target accounts for in-market buying signals
  • Uncover and target potential opportunities before competitors
  • Improve your Sales & Marketing intelligence for more timely and effective outreach

Key Capabilities

  • Powered by CDP data & activation
  • Multisource aggregation
  • Topic/Trigger weighting

Advanced Profiling for Inbound and Outbound Lead Prioritization

Use Cases

  • Prioritize outreach to inbound lead funnel & outbound calling

Key Capabilities

  • Product-specific Predictive Fit
  • Product-specific Intent Scores
  • Product specific Persona Scores

Advanced Profiling for Advanced Territory Management

Use Cases

  • Understand global TAM by product, industry and region
  • Balance territories for sales coverage
  • Identify whitespace and coverage gaps

Leadspace is a TRUE data partner for our B2B Software Business.

“We have been able to validate, enrich, segment, and accurately present our datasets at the account and contact level. Our relationship started with simple data needs and turned into a true vision for our customer and prospect base.”

Customers can save over 50% on data costs by eliminating data purchases and better leveraging their vendors. And, they automate the error-prone processes most data users endure today.

Customers can save over 50% on data costs

Success starts with complete, accurate, and active buyer profiles!

Check out the full guide, Leadspace for B2B Profiling, to see how Leadspace advanced profiling enables the largest B2B companies to minimize spend and maximize ROI by equipping them with the tools necessary to proactively target the accounts and/or people with the highest propensity to buy.

Contact Us Get the Profiling Guide Now
Dual Bezel UI